Woke up at 6.00 and called Domen, that I will be late, a little bit. My dog Castro's poo was red and that's not a good sign. He stole the whole can of butter two days ago and it didn't do him well. That Dog has got an apetite for destruction, true rocknrolla:)
The training was great, Marko didn't show up, let's see if he will do it tomorrow:) After the workout we again talked about the plans. When I came to my residence, I was fully on. Doing the motivation, making first steps for the tour, mailing everybody and my mind was flooded by creative ideas. Dražič called, we'll do a song together. Hooray!
Next I did some exercises on english - active speech, He had done some exercies on english - reported speech The exercises had been done (by him). I will check in the morning if the sentences are OK. I did some Coursera, made many new ideas and I am ready to go to sleep.
Tomorrow Call Iggy
Call Anja
Mail the Tour
Denis And Lyrics
Dosha studio
Check for the place with Božo.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
20.Day first time in english!:)
Quite interesting day! Today I tend to write in english, because of my goal - developing a new habit, just training the written words and putting in practice the beauty of a chiselled sentences. Quite awesome. I have to get used to it, it may take a little bit longer, but in the long run, it's a change for the better.
The day started at about 5.30 and I was feeling really pumped up. I finally made it. Hooray!
Meeting with Domen for daily exercise. It's so funny; we developed a new Club - called 6.AM :) Let's see how hard it can be:) We won't give up! After the exercise we broke the plan down, talked about daily goals. So let's go! When I came home I did some of the exercises, did some of the rhymes and then fall asleep. All day I was studying about the school system, made 2 Coursera weekly lectures, and later on I had founded a documentary of Sparta, which really hyped me up. I Didn't know that they had such strict rules, cruel discipline, their childhood was just a "wackhood". It was one of the first real human and system engineering in a state, just cutting down the weak parts of a human being. Just to keep the Helots in their place. Forgot about history? Check this out;
The whole process inspired me to look to the sequel of the movie 300. I started so watch the movie in a "low expectancy mode", because of the bad critics and comments not taking up the throne of the first movie, which was, by the way great. Well the sequel was also not bad, especially after looking the documentary first, and I must admit; Eva Green is a charm.
Good Night, and good morning!
The day started at about 5.30 and I was feeling really pumped up. I finally made it. Hooray!
Good Night, and good morning!
19. Dan samo gremo!
Zbudu se ob 9:30, ok počasi napredujem:) Že zjutri začel delat, da me je spravilo v pogon, začel sem pisat rime, neki novih punčlajnov, ogledal sem si nov spot Fil Tilna, fnt se res potrudi pr spotih in flow ma nor k svina.
Dokončal sem kolumno, jutri še zadnji pregled, potem pa akcija. Na sestanek z Božotom pa Radičem, kjer smo dodelal novo idejo za spot Čilam, kul bo. Zvečer trening, potem pa še pisanje rim, geniji se že prebujajo, to bo noro.
Plan za jutri:
6.00 Domen
Trening Ritual
Prebereš KNjigo
Pokliči Anjo za design
Mail za barake
Naredi za turnejo / pošlji maile
Učenje angleščine
Mailaš za projektni vodja
Mailaj za račune
Dokončal sem kolumno, jutri še zadnji pregled, potem pa akcija. Na sestanek z Božotom pa Radičem, kjer smo dodelal novo idejo za spot Čilam, kul bo. Zvečer trening, potem pa še pisanje rim, geniji se že prebujajo, to bo noro.
Plan za jutri:
6.00 Domen
Trening Ritual
Prebereš KNjigo
Pokliči Anjo za design
Mail za barake
Naredi za turnejo / pošlji maile
Učenje angleščine
Mailaš za projektni vodja
Mailaj za račune
Sunday, August 3, 2014
18. Dan - Sobota
Zjutri zbujena ob 10.00, jao, prepozno, takoj gor na Rožnik z tamalo in Castrotom. Kok je blo fajn, narava res umiri človeka, enkrat sem si reku, da bom en cel dan bil v naravi in ga sam čilal pa da vidmo, kako to vpliva na človeka. Potem domov malo študirat, prebral sem si o situaciji v Gazi, res zele. Včasih bi na človeštvo dal format C: pa sam gremo. Potem sem šel v BS igrat basket, zvečer pa do Doše, kjer sem skupi nabral material za nov album, to bo še zanimivo. Domov naprej študirat o šolstvu in kolumna za Ono, jutri jo spišem fix.
17. Dan, Hudo zmaga
Zbudu se in začel igrat igrco, bravo, spet nazaj na stara pota. No vsaj končal sem jo, tko da sem zaključu, kar je treba. Potem sem odšel nakupovat v Trzin in me kliče fotr in prav, glasovanje za popevko tedna je v igri. O hudo, komad kok High z Nipketom!
Pošeral sem po FBju in potem napol poslušal v avtu glasovanje, jupi zmaga. Mi kar velik pomeni, ne tok zmaga, ampak bolj da radio najde komade in jih uvrsti v svojo playlisto. Top. Potem sem šel še nakupovat v BTC in potem domov, potem pa z Domnom trenirat. Kok je bla nora situacija, k sva zadnja odšla ven, da naju je Alma podila, potem pa smo pobral še Mareta in via, piči v center na eno pjačo in pazi, tam se je odvijal še neko odbojkarsko tekmovanje, smo šli tja in samo smeha, kere smo prbijal, zmaga.
Dam pršu pozno, ampak sem šu še naprej študirat. Jutri je sobota kar pomeni frej dan, oziroma čas za uživancijo. Vse gud!
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